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Currently Drafting:

Hype Girls

Adult, Contemporary

Almost Famous X John Tucker Must Die

Lorelei is a Hype Girl. Not a Groupie. Doesn’t matter that she’s sleeping with Tucker Ashforth, lead singer of up-and-coming post-hardcore band Karma Keepers. It’s 2015; the term “groupie” is outdated. Besides, she’s so much more than that. Isn’t she?


Lorelei fell in love with Karma Keepers at first listen when they opened for her longtime favorite band. Of course, she hadn’t meant to spend the next few years post-grad school hitching a ride in their van across the country. But after so many late night conversations with Tuck, why turn that down when the opportunity arose? She was the girl who opened their mosh pits, was visible crowdsurfing in half of their music videos, and Tuck introduced to his friends as the best thing that happened to his career.


Until Tuck goes back to his girlfriend at the end of a particularly intense tour. And Lorelei meets the rest of Karma Keepers’ “Hype Girls.” Half of whom believe he should pay for how he treated them. And can’t agree on what that looks like. All of a sudden, the best years of Lorelei’s life are tainted, and she doesn’t know whose side to take: the family she thought she knew, or the girls who understand her best.

Kick back, close your eyes, listen. Reme
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